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Varicella is a fancy name for a common disease, which most of us call chickenpox. Many people believe this is just a mild sickness that can't cause much harm, except for a few red and itchy bumps. However, chickenpox can actually be quite dangerous if not treated properly. In 15, there were a hundred deaths and between 4,000 to ,000 hospitalizations out of the 4 million people who had this disease. It is even scarier to know that most of varicella's victims are young children, ages one to four. So why can this disease be so deadly? If not treated in time, it can cause swelling of the brain, which is extremely fatal.
Chickenpox is an extremely contagious virus. It easily spreads from person to person through the air of an affected person's coughing or sneezing, or by direct contact. A person develops chickenpox 10 to 1 days after having contact with someone who is infected. In addition, the infected person is contagious 1- days before the rash appears and until all the blisters have formed scabs.
A person who has chickenpox will experience irritating symptoms such as a blister-like rash that usually occur on the face, scalp, or trunk. These reddish blisters can be exceedingly itchy and sometimes even painful. An infected person may also experience a high fever, dehydration, or headache. Eventually, the person may develop pneumonia and even swelling of the brain, which could lead to death. Fortunately, there are some successful treatments and preventions for varicella.
Chickenpox can now be prevented by vaccination, which everyone is encouraged to get. However, if a person does get the disease then there are many home treatments and doctor treatments available. For example, the infected person could use Calamine lotion or take Aveeno baths to relieve the itching. They could also take non-aspirin medicine, such as acetaminophen. In addition, a doctor could also prescribe Acyclovir, which is a medicine that works against the herpes virus. However, this medication is for people who are more likely to develop a serious stage of the disease. It is also important to know that a person who has chicken pox should go into treatment if the fever last for more than four days or goes above 10 degrees F.
Custom writing service can write essays on Varicela
Numerous people also believe that a person can only get chickenpox once, but that's not always true. Even though it is uncommon, it's still possible that someone can get this disease more than once.
In conclusion, varicella is a common infectious disease that nearly everyone gets. It is also very irritating, painful, and can even be deadly. Nevertheless, it can always be effectively prevented and treated.
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