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Our most current global issue consists of several interlinked issues. They are, What is supposed to be "international terrorism without any cause and in response, its policies with the use of military power that is being pursued as "state policy." Although our society has recognized war as only a global issue, the past wars have proved that a war can only be based on factors such as political scandals and policies of a nation itself. It is unfortunate that the military, industrial, and the economy of United States is being used by certain vested interest groups who own and operate all the centers of power in the United States in furtherance of "their own group agenda." On the other hand, masses of Americans are deliberately kept ignorant about the real issues involved. These issues are not at all in the interest of the United States nor the rest of the world. Yet they are mis-represented as such which would be very dangerous for United States and the whole world in not a very distant future. America has been founded on the high principles of "liberty, equality, justice, and equal rights for all." Respective of his or her "caste, creed, color, race, or religion." But, when wars become state-policies, all such high principles are buried for all the nations on any side of the divide. We must keep in mind that for America, working on it's high moral principles on which it was founded to be essential if it wants to continue it's lead in all matters that mankind value and need most. If we slide into anarchist policies, that very disease will destroy all, including Americans. We the Americans need to be careful to see that no group is allowed to use our resources, our boys and their blood, and let me also say not allow them to misuse our ignorance of world affairs, to the advantage of their exclusive group interest, which is the road to doom for all. We, as a nation, are founded on high morals and principles. We must be trained to listen to all sides of every story and make our own fair judgement so that we prove equal to the confidence of our founding fathers in us that "this nation will stand for freedom and equal rights for all the peoples." We have earned high reputation and thankfulness of other nations all over the globe; we have always helped and cooperated with others to remedy their problems. These nations respect us as a great nation because we have high moral doing good deeds for the less fortunate nations of the world. We should allow this or that nation to use us as their war-machine. Let us regain our high name, fame, and position which was earned over centuries by continuing to work on our old benevolent agenda and not on the formula of wars as a cure for all our problems. We have given great sacrifices to free ourselves from our colonial status under the British. We should honestly look at the grievances of all nations and should help remove these injustices. We should not favor any nation, but try to help them all so that injustice and miseries in the world can come to an end. We have fought great wars to establish rule of justice and fair-play in the world, and for these purposes we have given great sacrifices of American lives. Now we should NOT work against what we have sacrificed so much for. The only way to pay our debt of gratitude to the martyrs of America would be the work for "peace with justice for all nations without any prejudice." These are my suggestions and I think we should all team up and not only portray an image of doing this but sincerely do this because it is in the favor of all of us and it would help our county as a whole. Although our society has recognized war as a global issue, the past wars have proved that a war can only be based on factors such as political scandals and policies of a nation itself. These are my believes and I think we should follow them as soon as possible.
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