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Extra credit 1
Prof. Andrea La Rose
On Tuesday, February 18th 00 at 70pm I was part of an audience of about 50 people at Brooklyn College, in Levenson recital hall who were assisting of a student recital Naoki Sakagami, percussion. This recital presented in partial fulfillment of the degree Bachelor of music from the conservatory of music, Brooklyn College (CUNY), where Mr. Sakagami is a student of professor Morris Lang. In the following lines I will talk about the audience, the pieces that were interpreted and the instruments used.
The Audience
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It was an audience of fifty to sixty people. It was a mix audience composed of students, professor, friends and parents. Everyone of them were present for a specific reasons. The students were in majority, they were there following and taking notes. Some professor were following and taking notes and some were just following. The parents and friends were there to support the musicians or the students.
The Pieces
The program was full. I assisted four pieces. They started with greeting meditation a piece of Pauline Oliveros (b.1-)
The audience were very quiet a set of instruments were on the stage, the lights dim out then three men enter the stage; two of them wore black pants and black shirts and the other one wore white pants with white shirts. They greeted the public and sat on their instruments. They sat down wait for a good one minute before they started to play. Then they star to play. They were playing one after the other. They played for one minute then stop for about fifteen seconds then play again on the same rhythm. The piece lasted five minutes. After the piece they greeted the audience, they received applause from the audience and they exited the stage.
The second piece called peeping Tom -for snare drum of Dan Senn (b151-)
A set of drum was on the stage then the student came wore a black pants with white shirt greeted the public then sat down and started to play. He started to hit the drums slowly then increase the speed. Then went back to the same way that he started. He created a good sense of beat and rhythm the way he was playing. The piece lasted about five minutes. After completion of the piece the musician greeted the audience, he received a great amount of applause from the audience.
The third piece called Dirge in woods for marimba, harp and soprano a piece of Andrew Thomas (b. 1)
The stage was set with a harp and marimba, then three musicians two female and one male entered the stage. All of them wore black pants with white shirts. The male headed to the marimba one of the female headed to the harp and the other female stand. At once they all greeted the audience. The male started to play the marimba and slowly the female who was playing the harp started to play, but with a certain measure. The harp was playing after every five seconds of the marimba. Then some variations and changes were made all along. After a good four minutes of playing between the marimba and the harp, witch together made a very great harmony. Then the female who stand in the middle started to sing on a very high soprano notes. At this time the marimba and the harp were going higher and faster, while the soprano was very high. They all together created a good sense melody. They last ten minutes of great harmony. After the piece they all greeted the public at once and receive an enormous amount of applause.
The fourth piece was side by side for percussion of Michio Kitazume (b. 148)
There was a set of seven instruments (drums) on the stage. Then student came with two sticks wore a black pants with white shirt greeted the audience fix the drums and start to play. The student has a note on a piece of paper that he was following while he was playing. He stated to hit all the drums one after the other for about three times then hit the two that were on his left then the one on his right. He created a perfect sense of harmony. Then he was hitting all the drums very fast ant he went faster and faster then came back to a slow pace and stop. Then he greeted the audience and receive a great amount of applause.
In conclusion, it was a very well organized event. The pieces were great and very well interpreted. The audience was wonderful. And there was a lot to learn about the music that was playing, the students who were playing and the music department at Brooklyn College. As a whole everybody were very appreciative and supportive of the efforts that the students put in to realize the show.
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