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Jack Obeolain
Trends In Curriculum Development
Music and Language Skills Development
Cheap custom writing service can write essays on Music and Language Skills development
The whole problem can be stated quite simply by asking, Is there a meaning to music? My answer would be, Yes. And Can you state in so many words what the meaning is? My answer to that would be, No.
Aaron Copland
I think I should have no other mortal wants, if I could always have plenty of music. It seems to infuse strength into my limbs and ideas into my brain. Life seems to go on without effort, when I am filled with music.
George Eliot
The debate over the importance of music in life and in education has been long lived. Perhaps it is the pleasurable quality of music which has made many dismiss it's importance to the overall education of a child. Perhaps the reasoning is if it is enjoyable it can not possibly be beneficial to learning. Or perhaps also many do not fully comprehend the depth and breadth of cognition involved in the musical process.
During the 180's and 10's tremendous leaps were made toward understanding how the brain functions. Through vast experimentation and study in the field of neurobiology, neuropsychology and cognitive psychology, many new theories regarding how the brain functions and how we learn were formed. Among the most interesting topics raised from amid this maelstrom of information regards music and it's affect on cognitive development. Musical education has long been supported as an integral part of a well rounded child, but until recently attempts to calculate and measure it's extra-musical affects on learning and brain development were not attempted.
Howard Gardener's groundbreaking theory of multiple intelligences has transformed educators approach to learning in the classrooms across this country and around the world. includes Musical Intelligence among the seven multiple intelligences first listed in his 18 publication Frames of Mind The Theory of Multiple Intelligences. Gardner defines musical intelligence as the capacity to perceive, discriminate, transform, and express musical forms. Gardner's theories have inspired many to explore and experiment with asynchronous learning theories and methods of teaching using multiple intelligences, including music. Gardner's theories support the idea that music can be used to teach subject matter from any pedagogy by appealing to the musical intelligence of the individual. Being a musician I can attest to the fact that although I will forget my coat in class on a cold night, or where I left my keys I can immediately recall the lyrics and music to well over a hundred songs. Information or stories in the form of song lyrics stay with us sometimes for a lifetime. Among Gardeners more recent assertions regarding his theory we find a crucial and intriguing idea
In the January 17 article, The Musical Mind, Gardner was quoted as saying that music might be a special intelligence which should be viewed differently from other intelligences. He stated that musical intelligence probably carries more emotional, spiritual, and cultural weight than the other intelligences. But perhaps most important, Gardner says, is that music helps some people organize the way they think and work by helping them develop in other areas, such as math, language, and spatial reasoning. In a January 17 publication, Gardner states that school districts that lop off music in a childs education are simply arrogant and unmindful of how humans have evolved with music brains and intelligences. Students are entitled to all the artistic and cultural riches the human species has created.(Harvey)
Beyond using music as a teaching tool studies have suggested that the mere process involved with listening to music can increase memory and improve other cognitive process, facilitate higher level brain activity and remediate neurological dysfunction. Educational methods first developed through the research of Dr. Georgi Lazanov and more popularly in America by Dr. Alfred Tomatis claim that listening to certain types of music can increase brain function and in effect make you "smarter"(Harvey) Author Don Cambell's book The Mozart Effect has done much to popularize the work and theories of Dr. Tomatis. Expecting parents and solicitous parents of young children have spent millions on books, compact discs, videos and other programs based on the principal that listening to classical music can increase IQ.
Studies have made connections between students literacy test scores and separate musical instruction. At one medium sized university it was determined through cross referencing Nelson Denny reading tast scores and enrollment records that music education majors had the highest reading test scores of any other major at the university. (Nierman) Although not conclusive this and other studies conducted using students at different stages of development have asserted that musical education seems to have a positive effect on literacy rates.
What effect does this have on the development of curriculum? Music has often in the past been considered an "extra" in regards to the regular curriculum in schools. Often among the first programs cut, music education programs have been viewed as existing in an educational vacuum. It is not difficult at all to find hundreds and perhaps thousands of reports based on scientific and statistical data that refute this idea. Music has shown itself to be a powerful teaching tool. There is evidence that learning to read music and to play an instrument increases children's brain activity and optimizes memory. Listening to and playing music has shown positive results for learning across curriculums. Curriculum developers have undoubtedly taken note of these findings and hopefully stressed the importance of music in education for all subject areas and especially for language skills and literacy. Musical education is more than expendable enrichment and should not be treated as a luxury but rather as an exercise for the mind which can improve cognitive skills in general and therefore belongs as an integral part of every students education.
Works cited
Arthur Harvey. "An Intelligence View of Music Education"
Articles from MENC State Music Educators Association Journals
Glenn E. Nierman. Musical Instruction and Language Skills Development Articles from MENC State Music Educators Association Journals
P.H. Wood.(10). The comparative academic abilities of students in education and in other areas of a multi-focus university. Unpublished paper. ERIC Document Number ED7480
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