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Lately there has been a great increase in the number of reality TV shows on network television. This makes me wonder, is it really necessary for every show to be a reality TV show? I thought TV was supposed to be an unreal world, a world that takes you away from the real world. Now, the real world is being brought to TV for entertainment and mockery. What ever happened to the unreal fantasy worlds that were shown on TV and made us laugh? Now we laugh at people getting hurt, people backstabbing one another, people cheating on their lovers and a lot of other mischievous things. In some aspects it is okay to have a reality TV show when addressing a certain issue, such as the real life of an African American family. A reality TV show that is meant to help the viewer and increase their knowledge about a certain issue is okay because it is not dumbfounding their mind and it has a purpose. The reality TV shows that are on TV now have no purpose and are very absurd. Networks that decide to show outrageous shows and put people's lives on the line for money are just greedy and want to make quick money. What networks do now to get viewers attention is just mischievous, ridiculous and pointless. Through reality TV we can see how America has lost its dignity and its basics of life.
Reality TV has been around since 148 with the debut of "Candid Camera," a reality TV show which catches people's reactions to bizarre and crazy situations set up by actors (Rowen). Since then, reality TV shows have been on the rise. The debut of "An American Family" in 17 was the inspiration for the reality TV show "The Real World" (Rowen). These two shows were similar in the fact that they documented people's everyday lives. I think these shows are okay because they are not stupendous. Shows like they "Real World" and "An American Family," allow the viewers to get an inside view of peoples daily lives and it is very interesting to watch and see how people live.
Today, not all shows are like the "Real World" and "An American Family". The shows today are about money and fame. It is unbelievable to see what extreme certain people would go through to just win some money and become famous. Many of these fame and money shows have been popping up lately and it is getting to the point, I think, to where there are too many of them. Names of some of these shows like this are, "Fear Factor," in which, is a show where individuals do anything, like eating bugs for instance to win some money and "The Mole," which is a show about individuals who try to figure out who is the "Mole" among themselves. These are just a few of the dumb and pointless shows I think are on TV. Of course it is all for entertainment, but they could put something else on TV that is better to watch. Everywhere I look there is a reality TV show on. I am so annoyed by this and now most of the time I do not even watch ABC or CBS or any of the major networks anymore because all they have on are reality TV shows. At first it was okay when "Survivor" came out and then "Big Brother," but after that it was just too much.
It made me wonder why the television networks were thriving so much on reality TV. Do they not have the means to sit down and write scripts for sitcoms anymore? Are they just willing to put people's lives on the line with some of these crazy shows for higher ratings? I really wonder. Sometimes I think the government has something to do with all of the reality TV shows we see on TV and I also think they are trying to blind us in a certain perspective, and they do not want us to see the truth. For example, something important may happen, but the government uses reality TV to steer us away because they know that we will become wrapped up in it like we already are now. It is very obvious that when we see certain things on TV it is sensationalized. There is only one side of the story that we are aloud to see or hear. Think about it, in our news coverage the media does not show us everything. They show us things that they know will boost their ratings.
Buy cheap Reality TV: It's Impact on America term paper
I am trying to relate to the fact that, for example during /11 if anybody paid attention there was a stream of reality TV shows that popped up out of nowhere. For example, "Survivor" and its buddy next door, "Big Brother" came out in 000. I know these shows did open up a way for new reality TV shows, but the new shows did not come as quick as they came after /11. Again, I think the government has something to do with it. I know it may seem very inconspicuous, but notice the time a lot of these new shows came out. First was the TV show "Love Cruise," on CBS which premiered on September 5, 001, then "The Mole II" on ABC which premiered on September 8, 001, next was "Ripley's Believe It Or Not!" which replaced another reality TV show called "Lost in the USA" on September 0, 001, then on October 18, 001 "Popstars ," on the WB premiered and then last but not least on November 7, 001, "Temptation Island " premiered. All of these shows premiered after /11 and during last couple months of the year (Reality Shows).
Another aspect of reality TV I know for sure that is affecting Americans is "The War," it is being played out on reality TV 4 hours a day. This was a first for Americans to see a live instantaneous war being played across our TV screens as it was happening. To me it was almost like watching a movie, but I had to keep telling myself that it was really going on at the time and I was watching it. I thought that being able to watch the war on live reality TV was good and bad. For one, we were able to see what really goes on during a war and we can feel sympathy for the soldiers more as were watching them. For two, the war was not good in a way because we were allowed to see images of war such as dead bodies that we would not usually be able to see. We even saw our own American troops being abused on Iraqi television. This is another disadvantage of having a real-time war. E.C Fish, author of the article "War, Reality, and Reality TV," states that reality TV has set a new standard for America in that Americans are so wrapped up into reality television that such a great number of people would rather tune into a reality TV finale than be concerned with Americas political issues. This obviously states that there is a problem with America; we are concerned about the wrong things. It is okay to have entertainment, but there should be a balance. It seems like reality TV is what matters to America.
I do not see why people get so into these reality TV shows so much because they do not know how real these shows are. John Dvorak author in P.C. Magazine states that some reality TV shows have supposedly been staged. "Joe Millionaire" is one of the suspicions. Dvorak found that two of the semi-finalist girls in the show were both actors and they actually had been called by their agents for the job. Also, stated by Gary Levin of USA Today, that most reality TV series that people see on TV are edited, and a character can be made to have supposedly acted a different way than how he or she was shown on the TV show. I believe this is because it goes back to what the networks want and they will do anything to increase their ratings.
The "Christian Science Monitor" magazine describes its view of reality TV
Looking back at Survivor, the genesis of this genre, TVs rapid descent into darkness is clear. That many reality shows now are mired in litigation is itself a telling development. Some have been sued for defamation of character, invasion of privacy, emotional and physical abuse, or even rigging of results. What helps drive these shows is that they can cost about half of a typical hour-long TV drama or sitcom (although theyre less likely to be syndicated). Lost, though, in the focus on the business bottom line, is an emphasis on the art and craft of television. Witty writers who helped propel sitcoms and dramas aren't part of this new reality mix. Still, what reality programs do offer, despite their often abhorrent form, is a fairly high degree of authenticity. Studies have shown that Americans long for that quality in public life, in politics, and business, and now, apparently, in television entertainment.
I agree very much with the "Christian Science Monitor," reality TV has a bad side to it and somewhat of a good side to it. It all depends on what reality TV is being use for. It can and has been used for the good, the bad, and the ugly. From my perspective reality TV now is just stupid, all these dumb shows make me mad every time I hear about them. America, I think needs to let reality TV go and return to the basics of life. Or at least have a balance, but there is not balance right now. Everything "is" a reality television show.
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