If you order your cheap custom essays from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Benjamin Franklin Biography. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Benjamin Franklin Biography paper right on time.
Out staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Benjamin Franklin Biography, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Benjamin Franklin Biography paper at affordable prices!
Benjamin Franklin was born on January 1706, in Boston, Massachusetts. His father was Josiah and he was a candle and soap maker. The Franklins were very strict puritans and they were very cautious in how they acted. Benjamin attended Boston Grammar School at age 8, but he would drop out less than a year and attended Mr.Brownells school of writing and arithmetic. He would do well in writing but fail arithmetic. Soon enough he finally became a wizard with shapes and figures, but by this time he no longer attended school. He accomplished many things. At age 6 he printed his first copy of Poor Richard's Almanac. That led him to become famous around parts of Boston. Franklin also spent much time experimenting with ideas. He was the first to discover lighting, and he invented the lightning rod. He was also the first person to diagnose someone with lead poisoning. He had a wife named Deborah but she passed away on February 1775. when she died Franklin was alone with three children, but the third son, William, wasn't Franklin's biological son. They were so close together it seemed like William was a son to Benjamin. A daughter named Sarah and a son Francis, but he would die of small-pox at the age of 4. Not only was Franklin an inventor and printer. He did a great deal during
the American Revolution. He was part of a 5 men committee that wrote the Declaration of Independence. Franklin served as the American diplomat and convinced the French to side with the
Americans during February. Without the battle of Saratoga and Franklin the Americans had a higher chance of losing
The battle. Sadly, Benjamin passed away on April 17, 1740 due to bladder stones, pleurisy, and suppurated lungs. He will be buried on April 1 at Christ Church Burial Ground in Philadelphia.
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