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Television Wars Desensitise Us
Television wars desensitise us. The constant bombardment of brutal fighting on our everyday television sets undoubtedly desensitises us.
Statistics show, that about 7% of New Zealand homes have a television set and more than half have more than one set. Considering that our news hours are filled with conflict from countries all around the world, these numbers clearly show that the majority of the New Zealand population is exposed everyday to television wars and violence.
In America people informed surveyors that they spent about three hours a day on average watching or listening to news coverage of the war in Iraq. These great lengths of time spent being exposed to violence would clearly have the affect of making us less sensitive to the brutality of death.
Cheap custom writing service can write essays on Television Wars Desensitize Us
In the past ten years, the world has watched coverage of several major issues of conflict such as the Gulf War in 11, the Kosovo Crisis in 1, ongoing violence between Israel and Palestine, Terrorist attacks on America in 001, and more recently the war in Iraq. With this constant surrounding of fighting, it is certain that we are made less sensitive to these serious issues.
Coverage of conflict today is brutal and almost un-edited. During the recent war in Iraq, broadcasts were shown around the world of a cameraman filming with human blood covering the screen of his camera as a nearby colleague was blown up. Images like this being exposed to people today on nationwide news have made us more immune to the horror of war and death.
With the many households owning televisions, the amount of conflict in society today, and the horrifying images we are exposed to, it is clear that we are desensitised by television wars.
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