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The Rise and Fall of Lady Macbeth
Lady Macbeths character is one of complexity; slowly, but
continuously changing throughout the play. What begins as a struggle for power
and a longing to shred her femininity turns Lady Macbeth into what she fears
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most - a guilt ridden weakling.
In the beginning ( I, v, 4-54) , we see Lady Macbeth reacting to the
news of her husbands success and King Duncans visit. This ignites her lust for
power. In the quote "...unsex me here, / And fill me from the crown to the toe
top full/ Of direst cruelty! make thick my blood;.../ Come thick night,/ And
pall thee in the dunnest smoke of hell,/ That my keen knife see not the wound it
makes," Lady Macbeth talks of wanting all of the cold blooded aspects of "
manliness" so she can kill King Duncan with no remorse - she sees herself as
having these qualities more than her husband, and because of this, in a sense,
wishes to shed her womanhood. We can see this ruthless nature more in depth in
the quote "I would, while it was smiling in my face,/ Have pluckd my nipple
from his boneless gums,/ and dashd the brains out, had I so sworn as you/
Have done to this" (I,vii,56-5) She is obviously a very bitter female,
frequently referring to her role as a woman, both physically and emotionally in
negative ways. In the above quote, Lady Macbeth is commenting on her husbands
lack of gall, stating, that quite frankly, she would make a better man than
Although still a very strong woman, we see the first signs of weakness
in Ladys Macbeths character in Act II, Scene ii, 1-1. She says, "Had he
not resembled/ My father as he slept, I had done it." She is giving an excuse
for not killing Duncan herself. As you can plainly see, this is not the same
Lady Macbeth that would bash a babys brains in in the beginning of the play.
Throughout the play, Macbeths character grows stronger as Lady Macbeths will
regresses. It even gets to where Macbeth will not include his wife in his
villianous schemes
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