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There are many different explanations as to why ethnic discrimination exists. In the article Adolescent Bigotry the author claims that people are intolerant of differences. Hostility towards people causes prejudices and discrimination. The example of Jewish people is given, claiming that because on average they tend to do well in school and come from affluent families, resentment towards them develops. Because of this, other students held them in a negative light, claiming that they were bossy, deceitful, and selfish. The author claims that a lack of education causes people to stereotype. Being uneducated, they are unable to think things through and realize that generalizations are illogical. They just point at the easiest, most obvious answer that is normally the race or ethnicity of the people in question.
The author of What We Think Of Other People states that stereotypes are mental pictures that exist in our heads and affect our perception of others. Many times the stereotype depends on whether the presence of the ethnic group or race is seen as favorable to the society. If the group is seen as advantageous, such as supplying inexpensive labor, then the stereotype is often positive. Statements are made that they are hard working and ambitious. If the group is viewed as disadvantageous, such as taking all the good jobs, negative traits are associated with them like selfish, bossy and deceitful. The author claims that the stereotype changes depending on circumstances that are many times out of the person's control.
In the article Explaining Discrimination it is claimed that discrimination occurs because it is learned through culture from a young age. People are constantly exposed to opinions of other ethnic groups regarding their attributes and social ranks. Due to this, people may feel negative emotions towards entire groups of people without actually knowing why. The author explains that people accept others that are most like themselves, seeing their own traits as favorable. He also claims that people who have an authoritarian personality are most receptive to prejudice, being insecure and fearful of anything new.
Of the three articles, I believe that the author of the What We Think Of Other People presented the most convincing argument. It seemed to deal with the causes of discrimination, and provide logical explanations as to why some stereotypes are negative while others are positive. The claim that the stereotype changes with the circumstances accounts for why views of ethnic groups and races do change. It appears to give the most reasonable answers, and deals with the emotions and hostility behind discrimination.
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