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Proper Punishment
Parents should be able to punish their children, but due to so much abuse we have lost to concept of punishment. It is hard for a lot of parent to raise there children without punishment, because without being able to punish children problems consist in and out of the family. Children needs to be properly punished to maintain control in and out of the household. Without proper punishment children are not showing respect to their parent or anyone else, Their abusing the system that states that parents are not aloud to punish their children, and they are commit crimes.
Without proper punishment children are not showing respect that they should. They are talking back to their parents and disrespected their elders. They don't care anymore. When a parent punish a child they know that what they did was wrong and know not to do it again, but when you have a child that does something wrong and don't get punished that child knows that there's nothing wrong. No parent should have to go to a store or out to the park and there child yells and scream because they can't get what they want it embarrasses a person. If a parent stops and punish that child then everyone will look at her and cal her a bad parent just because she is trying to keep control. Lack of respect is one of the main reasons family has problems.
The CPS system states that parents are not allowed to punish their children because it is abuse and children use that to avoid punishment. If a parent tries to punish their child that child would scream their calling the police because they think that parent is not aloud to punish them. They don't know the different between punishment and abuse. they think their not allowed to be punished period and that is wrong. Children needs to know that when you are punished it is not always abuse. When they know their going to be punish they call the police or tell someone that they have been abused to stop from getting punished. They need to be taught the difference between to two.
Buy custom Proper Punishment term paper
Finally without proper punishment children are commit crime. Young children are stealing, robbing, beating, and killing because of the lack of punishment. Parents are not strict enough to control their children. They let them do as they please just as long as their not in the middle. When their child do get into trouble they blame it on someone else or something is wrong within their child. Hey never what to blame themselves because they never toke the time to punish their child for the things they done wrong. At a young age a child does something and their parents let them get away with it they don't think nothings wrong and will do it again. Their will be no control and when that child gets older it is even harder to change that child.
Without proper punishment children are very disrespecting to their parents and will not have respect for others. They will use the system to get away with not getting punished due to the lack of knowledge of the law. The will commit crime because theirs no one their to punish them to let them know it is wrong. Without punishment there will be no control.
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