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560 words
Christianity is a world-renowned religion that originated in Hebrew times. People who follow the religion Christianity are known as Christians. It is a religion hard to condense into three main teachings or ideas without leaving out vital parts. However, one, Christians believe in only one God, two, they follow the teachings of a man named Jesus, and, three, and use the ten commandments which define how those faithful to God should act in their own communities.
First of all we will start with Monotheism, which means the belief in only one god. Christians believe that there is one God, and that He created the universe and continues to care for it. Christians from all over go to church to worship their God. Christian worship this one God and learn of Him through the Bible. The Bible tells of how God created heaven, Earth and all life in a process that took six days. The seventh day was blessed as a holy day and it was the day in which God rested. It was said that of all God created, his most prized possession was man whom was to have dominion over all creatures of the Earth. Along with that, it is believed that God made a promise to the people that he will protect and guide them as long as they serve Him. Now the Bible still exists and is the basis for modern day Christianity for many years.
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Christianity is the religion based on the life and teachings of Jesus Christ. Christians believe God sent Jesus into the world as the Savior. Through the belief in Jesus, people believe that humanity can achieve salvation. Christianity teaches that God sent His Son, Jesus, into the world as His chosen servant, called the Messiah, to help people fulfill their religious duties. Jesus who was born in Palestine in about A.D. 30, is the son of God born through the Virgin Mary. He was a miracle, born to a virgin, put to death, and then resurrected. The birth, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, as the Messiah, created a new principle of worship. The Messiah is the savior for all people and of all sins. Jesus died, crucified to a cross, for all Christian's sins. Paul the apostle carried the message of the Messiah. His missionary journeys and establishment of churches enabled the spreading of the message throughout the Roman Empire, and since then Christianity has grown into acceptance.
Then we come to the Ten Commandments. Christians use the Ten Commandments, which are a set of ten laws that define how those faithful to God should act in their own communities. Christians follow these 10 laws and try to live their everyday lives by them. They are morals for the Christian religion. The Ten Commandments, according to the Bible, God wrote and gave to Moses on Mount Sinai. The Ten Commandments are also called the Decalogue, and became very important for Christianity. Christianity sees the Ten Commandments as the basic principles that should govern human conduct.
Today, Christians make up the largest religious group in the world. Christianity has almost 2 billion followers worldwide. It is the major religion in Europe, the Western Hemisphere, and Australia. It is a religion who worships one God, follows the teachings of Jesus Christ, and uses the Ten Commandments as laws to live their lives by.
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